松村 賢 Masaru Matsumura, M.D., Ph.D.

主な論文発表 Major Publications

13) Unruptured cerebral aneurysms in polycystic kidney disease. Acta Neurochirurgica 79:94-99,1986

32) Cytometric analysis of the thalamic ventralis intermedius nucleus in man and a comparison with the monkey. J Neurophysiol 61:478-487,1989

37) Visual and oculomotor function of the monkey subthalamic nucleus. J Neurophysiol 67:1615-1632,1992

43) Focalisation dynamique de la convergence infomationelle dans les noyaux gris centraux. Rev Neurol (Paris) 150:627-633,1994

44) Eye movements in monkeys with local dopamine depletion in the caudate nucleus. I. Deficits in spontaneous eye movement. J Neurosci 15:912-927,1995

45) Eye movements in monkeys with local dopamine depletion in the caudate nucleus. II. J Neurosci 15:928-941,1995

47) Activity of pallidal neurons in the monkey during dyskinesia induced by injection of bicuculline in the external pallidum. Neuroscience 65:59-70,1995

55) Tonic activity during visuo-oculomotor behavior in the monkey superior colliculus. Nerosci Res 26:17-28,1996

57) Hemiparkinsonism monkeys with lesioning the pedunculopontine tegmental nucleus. Neuroscience Letter 226:111-114,1997

58) Single-unit activity in nucleus tegmenti pedunculopontinus in monkeys during voluntary arm movement. Neuroscience Res 28:155-165,1997

61) 異常運動のメカニズム 臨床神経科学 1998年5月号

68) Protection against dopaminergic cell death by lesioning the pedunculopontine tegmental nucleus. Eur J Neuroscience 12:1771-1780, 2000.

69) Organization of somatic motor inputs to the pedunculopontine tegmental nucleus. Neurosience 98:97-110,2000.

70) 脚橋被蓋核の身体部位局在 機能的脳神経外科 39:30-38、2000

72) MPTPパーキンソニズムの防御 機能的脳神経外科 40:12-16,2001

79) 大脳基底核回路再考 機能的脳神経外科 40:84-85,2001

84) Experimental parkinsonism in primates. Stereo Func Neurosurg 77:91-97,2001.

85) Role of pedunculopontine tegmental nucleus in experimental parkinsonism. Stereo Func Neurosurg 77:108-115,2001.

86) Behavioral recovery in a primate model of parkinson's disease by triple transduction of striatal cells with adono-associated viral vectors expressing dopamine-synthsizing enzymes. Human Gene Therapy 13:345-354,2002.

87) Protection against nigrostriatal dopamine cell death by pedunculopontine tegmental nucleus lesions. Basal Ganglia VII, pp67-76, Plenum Pub.,2002.

94)実験的パーキンソニズミにおける脚橋被蓋核の役割 とれもろ51:3-4,2005

95)The pedunculopontine tegmental nucleus and experimental parkinsonism in monkeys. Masaru Matsumura Journal of Neurology 252 [suppl 4]: 5-12,2005.

97)The pedunculopontine tegmental nucleus and voluntary movement.  In: Recent Breakthroughs in Basal Ganglia Research, Editor: Erwan Bezard, pp. 151-165, 2006 Nova Science Publishers, Inc.

99)痙性斜頸に対するボツリヌス毒素局所治療  群馬医学 86;103-109,2007

100)パーキンソン病における脚橋被蓋核-脳深部刺激術の可能性 臨床脳波 52:187-193, 2010.

  1. 102)脳卒中後の麻痺肢痙縮に対するボツリヌス治療 第2報 群馬医学 100:113-119,2014

  2. 103)パーキンソン病診断における脳SPECT検査(DATスキャン)群馬医学(印刷中)