


The 85th international convention commemoration lions QSO party holds as the event of
the lion ham that does approval to the publicity of the international convention that is held
in Osaka and do the commendation based on the communication number in the period and
open a special station to international convention completion, in addition to try hard to
vitalization and cooperate on the public relations of Lions Club.


It makes the vitalization of an indispensable amateur radio communication the purpose for
the urgent communication net construction of the radio ham in that international
cooperation and also lions humanitarianism task force through a global communication
among the purpose radio ham and also lions.


Period Melvin Jones of birth memorial day in it does with from UTC00 on January 14 Mon:
UTC24 on March 17 Sun of 00 to Japan leo day : 00 next morning.


Class ‡@. member of Lions Club, Lioness Club,Leo Club
a. single operator, all bands,
b. multi operator, all bands, single transmitter,
c. short wave listener (SWL).
Class‡A. unlions
a. single operator, all bands,
b. multi operator, all bands, single transmitter,
c. short wave listener (SWL).


80 , 40, 20, 15, 10 meters and also optional frequency band can be added.


All the communication mode modes


The same station may be contacted on each band. It is thus possible to make 6 valid
point-scoring contacts with the same station if worked on each of the 6 permitted bands.


The call should be "CQ Lions QSO Party" or gCQ Lionsh


Transmit RS (T) plus . Radio amateurs operating on behalf of a Lions, Leo or Lioness Club
must transmit the operatorfs name, Club name and Lions district number


QSO with(1) point unlions station
QSO with(5) point lions and also Leo or Lioness stations
Fifty (50) point contest special stations JF6ZHZ JE6ZRN JF1YNO JR7ZNB JE7YHG
QSO with the special stations for 100 point Osaka international conventions JA3ZXY


The multiplier is the number of Lions Club, Lioness or Leo. Even the number of a special
station also can include it to this multiplier.Even if I communicate the member or special
station and how many times of the same club 1 time and only it is not counted.
The total, that hung the multiplier on the total points


To obtain the final score, multiply the gQSO pointsh by gthe number of different Clubs


The following details are to be logged: The communication record transmission and also
reception including the UTC time and call sign of all.
In the case that there was the communication with lions I record the name, QTH of the
club name, area name, operator of the partner precisely.
Even if I record this to another sheet I do not mind.


The record that is not going along the prescription over disqualification becomes
disqualification automatically, without being considered.
Even in the case that I communicated it with the method that is lacking in the mind of
sportsmanship it becomes disqualification.
The decision and vote of the executive committee are official and final thing.


All logs must be mailed to reach the local co-coordinator and envelopes must be date
stamped no later than March 31, 2002.


The citation is presented by to the prize winner who was determined, the 1st place to the
3rd place prize winners of each division of award class 1 of except for the shield,
it from the trophy, the 4th place to the 10th place.
Leo or family be the plan that is awarded with the various kinds meeting place (the
international Leo seminar meeting place etc.) of an international convention with the lions
member. The convention registration is necessary however.

I can receive the citation from each 1st place division to the 10th place of class‡A
general citizen participant mails it.
Also this executive committee can devise the special commendation as the committee
about the prize winner other than the above.


It does the publicity through the publicity lion net, Web page, amateur radio magazine etc.
Also, trying to many communications as long as open the special station for an Osaka
international convention and the lions station of the participation is possible to the
Japanese lions ham club program this period I do the PR.


In the case that I want to obtain more detailed information about the question lions QSO
party 335-B area IT committee inside "the 85th Lions Club international organization
Osaka international convention commemoration communication event" (the another name
ham event) executive committee desk work charge or 333-A area IT committee ham event
desk work charge, Takasaki new century Lions Club to:

Oizumi-kaikei,231-9,syowa-machi,takasaki-city,gunma 370-0068 Japan
Takasaki new century Lions Club